Thursday, March 4, 2010

Basic Characteristic of So Called “Normal? “ Average Indian Men

Following are the results of the Statistical research done all over India by AIIOW
(All India Institute of Observant Women)

Basic Characteristic of So Called “Normal? “ Average Indian Men

Age Group of Early 20’s to Early 30’s

1. They change the Channels @ the rate of 20 per nano second; In fact the speed is more than the Formula1 motor car.

2. If they happen to stay at One Channel it will be either NDTV, BBC, CNBC and other myriad news channels.(or at local levels they can go in for Sun news etc).

3. They can hear the same news again and again in different news channels under the Pretext of gathering more information or analyzing different Views.

4. Next category which they will be interested to watch is Animal Planet, Nat Geo,Discovery etc.(Pretext here is General Knowledge, I don’t know what Gk has to do with Tiger tearing a Deer etc).

5. Third Category is Pogo, Cartoon Network etc. (Just to show off they are still Kids).

6. They Decide to Play a Computer Game which can end only after 3 hrs and delve into the Laptop/Computer Screen.

Age Group of Late 30’s to Early 50’s

Points 1 to 4 will still be applicable to them.

As the Age Progresses into late 30’s interest towards Pogo and Cartoon Changes to V and MTV’s,(Reducing the Time in front of Computer games and Cartoon Channels).

Age Group of Late 50’s and above.

1.They don’t change Channels too frequently.
2.They still hear same news at different News Channels.
3.They will hear every discourse on God and try to explain the same to everybody who has ear. (Reducing the Time in front of Computer games, Cartoon Channels and Animal Planet etc)

Disclaimer : All the Opinion expressed here is not the opinion of the author, They are the Great Findings of AIIOW only .

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